This website is comprehensive and your problem is most likely already
answered somewhere on this site. So please try to help yourself first by
taking the time to browse the relevant sections. In particular the
Recruitment Process area contains everything you need to know
about applying, eligibility, clearing, competition ratios and much
The GP online application form is very straightforward asking only for factual information.
You can SAVE and Log back on later as a “returning user" if you need to
take a break or do more preparation. Further help is also
online wherever you see the
information symbol. Read our
News Blog to stay in touch with
announcements and updates and
visit deanery websites for further local
information and help.
you still require assistance...
Email us at
[email protected]
and the NRO staff will gladly help you.
Please try to be specific and explain your problem in full. We
endeavour to answer your
question within 48