From August 2009 only full 3 year GP training programmes will be
ST1 - Entry to 1st year of 3 year training programme
Doctors completing foundation programme enter at this level
(this is also referred to as "run-through" training). The make
up of these programmes can vary but all have to meet standards and content
laid down by PMETB. Many programmes now include 18 months in a GP based
post. Even if you have some experience in another specialty, an ST1 GP training programme
can offer a broad mix of experience which is essential for general practice. It may
even be possible to construct a
training programme that doesn’t repeat specialties you have already done
although there are no guarantees.
Clinical Academic Fellowship Training Programme...
Are you interested in research? Or Medical Education? Or
Leadership? Then the Clinical Academic Fellowship GP training programme
may be just the thing for you.
Typically these programmes are 4 years in duration and 24 months of
this is spent based in a general practice and/or academic or research
activities. Linked to high quality GP training programmes in
Bristol, Cambridge, Keele, London, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton,
these academic programmes integrate with your clinical training and
provide a prestigious route to future academic posts.
Flexible (part-time) training...
Flexible training is also available
for those who have deanery approval for flexible funding. You are advised
to contact your local deanery for more information
Experienced Qualified GPs...
If you hold, or are eligible for a Certificate of Competence in
General Practice from another EEA country, you do not legally require
further training in general practice in the UK.
If you are a qualified, experienced GP from overseas, you should apply
to PMETB (www.pmetb.org.uk) under
Article 11 for a CEGPR.
Returning to General Practice?...
All deaneries welcome applications from doctors who are
returning to general practice after a break and Directors of GP Education
may be able to fund such doctors for a period of training as a GP Registrar.
You are advised to contact your local deanery for more information.