All deaneries are committed to ensuring that their selection
procedures are subject to best equal opportunities practice and that
no one is disadvantaged by ethnic background, gender, marital status,
sexual orientation or age. Deanery equal opportunity processes are
regularly monitored.
All appointments will be made against national agreed person
specifications. Our selection methods are continuously evaluated and
monitored. Candidates should be able to demonstrate their commitment
towards a career in General Practice.
Flexible Training...
All deaneries welcome applications from suitably qualified doctors who
wish to train flexibly on a part-time basis. The opportunity to
train flexibly is available in all deaneries. You should state your
intention to work flexibly on your application form; this will NOT be seen
by anyone assessing your application. In order to work part-time during
the hospital component of the training scheme, you will need to secure
funding from the deanery prior to appointment. You will usually need
to make an appointment to see the Associate Dean who deals with flexible
training in order to determine that you meet the criteria. Available
funding may be limited and approval for funding does not guarantee you a
post. In some deaneries there may even be a waiting list for such
posts. Working flexibly as a GP Registrar (ST3) in a practice is less
problematic and does not require funding approval but will depend on the
availability of a suitable training practice. In both the hospital and
GP component of the training programme, flexible trainees are required to
work at least 50% of whole time equivalent and this must include two
periods of full-time work each lasting not less than 1 week.
Overseas Doctors...
Deaneries welcome applications from suitable qualified doctors from
overseas. Overseas doctors are those who, regardless of where they
obtained their primary medical qualification are not nationals of the
European Economic Area (EEA). The commonly do not have a right of
indefinite residence in the UK or benefit from European Community rights.
Overseas doctors and dentists are able to come and train in the UK and are
eligible to apply, in open competition for speciality GP training
programmes provided all other eligibility criteria is met. However,
all training programmes including speciality GP training programmes are
now considered employment for immigration purposes. Work permits
will only be issued where there is a specific post for the overseas doctor
that cannot be filled be someone from the UK or EEA. Currently,
those who hold HSMP visa's and their dependants do not require a work
permit. Permit-free training arrangements will remain for non-EU
nationals who have trained at UK medical schools so that they can
undertake a foundation programme and acquire full UK GMC registration.
See our FAQ section for more information or contact NHS Careers
www.nhscareers.nhs.uk on 0845
6060 655 for specific queries relating to your immigration status.
Further information regarding overseas doctors is available from: