How do I know if my previous experience will count
towards GP training?
For UK SHO posts that have been approved for general practice training,
you’ll need to obtain signed VTR2 forms and have them endorsed by the
relevant Director of Postgraduate GP Education.
If your experience is from overseas or is in non-training posts you can
ask the RCGP Certification Unit for advice regarding the options that are
available to you.
Upon completion of a GP training programme, you would have to apply to
PMETB through Article 11 for a CEGPR. Applicants are reminded that it is
their responsibility to ensure that PMETB will accept experience outside
of a GP specialty programme when they apply for and that deaneries are not
obliged to offer further training if PMETB consider previous experience
not to be accredited.
for more information about certification.
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