How we can help...
Choosing General Practice as a career
General Practice is an attractive option for many doctors, whether you are
finishing your Foundation Programme, looking for a career change or an overseas
doctor. Our GP Careers section may give you a flavour of what modern GP
practice entails....more
Eligibility & Regulations
We can explain the regulations governing the minimum requirements to start
a training programme including the level of GMC Registration required,
accreditation of previous experience, and regulations regarding overseas
The Training Programme & Training Opportunities
Read our section on the training programme under GP Careers which
explains more about the different types of training opportunities
National Vacancy details
Details of all opportunities for entry to specialist GP training including dates
and an applicants guide are available on this website....more
Deanery information
Profiles of all deaneries are available via the quicklist at the top of
the page. Details of geographical boundaries, contact details and web
sites are available to help you make an informed choice....more
The Application, Assessment & Selection Processes
Help with your application, eligibility requirements including person
specifications, VTR1 and VTR2 forms and an explanation of our national
assessment processes are available in our FAQ section....more